Friday, October 14, 2011

Joining the Military

Joining the Military

Author’s Note: This is a paper about the military. It is a persuasive piece that is trying to persuade you to join the military.

Do you enjoy using firearms? Have you ever wished to fly aircraft? Are you looking for a new fitness challenge? Or just plain bored with your current job? Then the U.S. military has something for you.

In the military there are several branches that do different things as their main way of combat. The Air Force has air combat. The Navy is mainly sea. And the Army and Marines are mainly combat infantry. Of course in all branches there are exceptions such as: the Air Force’s Pararescue which is similar to sea operations, Navy SEALs which are like infantry and, the Navy and Marines and Army have pilots in their own versions of air combat.

Even after being in the service you can still get government benefits. Some include tax deductions and health care plans. Veterans and active duty can also shop at certain stores that have no tax on the stuff they sell. They can get discounts on houses and things of that nature. Also one example of a benefit is if you are young and get out of the military unharmed. The government will pay for your education.

Besides the fact that it would be a good experience and help you financially is that it would be the most patriotic thing you could do. For those who do not know what patriotism is, here is a definition: Devoted love, support, and defense of one’s country. Patriotism, for some people is their way of life. For them it is every day that they love their country and are thankful for their freedom. And as there are those who love our country, there are those who do not. I am talking about terrorism. And there is no one who is better at stopping terrorism that the U.S. military. Stopping terrorism is stopping events such as September 11th and the few bombings that have happened in the U.S. in the past.

Joining the military is a very good thing. The more people that join our military the stronger it is. It is not for everyone though. You have to be tough physically and mentally. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes. Joining the military is definitely a great thing.

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