Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Best Friend Award

Best Friend Award

Ben Tanner had just learned that his neighbor Haven Peck had just lost most of his land that he farmed, meaning that he had lost his job. He had heard this from his wife, Bess Tanner who was friends with Havens wife. The women had talked about how the government had noticed how Haven was not paying his taxes and so the government decided to take most of their land and the house. When Ben had first heard this he knew that he must help his neighbor out. He knew that he had to have been living off of the money that he had gotten from selling the animals that he had to sell because there wasn’t enough room for the animals that he owned. He just hoped that Rob was able to convince his father not to get rid of Pinky, the pig that Ben had given to Rob about three weeks before. He slowly walked to the house that the Peck’s were staying in for the time being, hoping that someone was home. When he reached the front door he was relieved to hear talking coming from inside the house. He knocked on the door loudly, anxious to speak to Haven. When Rob answered the door, Ben kindly asked to speak to his father. As he waited for Haven to come to the door, he was thinking about what had happened to the Peck family. When Haven got to the door the first thing that Ben noticed, was how the quality of his clothing had gone down. Sure his clothes were dirty and torn before but now they seemed to be not have been fitting. Ben guessed that it was because they were not making enough money to make or get their own clothes anymore. Ben asked how he was doing and how the family was and exchanged pleasantries. Then he asked if he would like a job at his farm. It didn’t take long at all for Haven to say yes and then they walked back to Ben’s house and sat down at the kitchen table to discuss details of Havens new job. Then after about four years of working and saving money, Haven was able to buy back the land that he lost and got his old job back.

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