Thursday, March 29, 2012

Response to “Big Yellow Taxi” and “Field Below”

In both “Big Yellow Taxi” and in “Field Below” the author’s purpose seems to be the same. I think that it is to say that they are lonely and miss the nature that they once knew. Or it might be to say how they miss a person or a friend. The mood and tone are very similar. The tone is like sad and the mood is depressing or lonely. In “Big Yellow Taxi” the tone/mood of the song is way different than the poem because the song is happier and more uplifting I guess you could say. However in “Field Below” I think that they are almost the same because the song is slow and is kind of sad because of that. This means that even though the words can be a different tone the music can change that. This is very interesting and makes me wonder if that happens in other songs too.

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