Thursday, March 29, 2012

Response to “Big Yellow Taxi” and “Field Below”

In both “Big Yellow Taxi” and in “Field Below” the author’s purpose seems to be the same. I think that it is to say that they are lonely and miss the nature that they once knew. Or it might be to say how they miss a person or a friend. The mood and tone are very similar. The tone is like sad and the mood is depressing or lonely. In “Big Yellow Taxi” the tone/mood of the song is way different than the poem because the song is happier and more uplifting I guess you could say. However in “Field Below” I think that they are almost the same because the song is slow and is kind of sad because of that. This means that even though the words can be a different tone the music can change that. This is very interesting and makes me wonder if that happens in other songs too.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Parody of "This is Just to Say" relating to Stormbreaker


this is a parody of the poem this is just to say that relates to stormbreaker

I have destroyed

The computer

That you have made

And which

You were going to use

To destroy the world

Forgive me

I had to do it

To save the world.

This relates to the novel “Stormbreaker” by Anthony Horowitz because the the voice of the poem is Alex Rider who is the main character of Stormbreaker. The audience is the Harod Sayle who is the bad guy in the story. The mood is humerous or sarcastic and the tone is like earnest or something.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Mother To Son Response

Mother to Son Response

This is a short response to: “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes.

Some different figurative languages in “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes are metaphors like where it keeps saying crystal stair comparing to life meaning that because he was saying that life wasn’t a crystal stair it, was difficult. The parts where it says "splinters, boards torn up and no carpet" are also metaphors also saying that life is difficult. Also the parts where it says "light and dark" describing how sometimes there was no help from others. The mood of the poem toward the reader is sad but motivating. The tone is to motivate the reader by saying how they are still climbing the “stairs” of life.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Character Description

Adam Pelko

This is a 2 paragraph character description piece about the main character in the book Heroes Don’t Run.

In the story, Heroes Don’t Run by Harry Mazer, the main characters name is Adam Pelko although in the book he is mainly called Pelko because, he is a Marine. I would describe him as brave because he signs up to fight in WWII. In this war, the main enemy is the Japanese. A fighting strategy of the Japanese in WWII is the Kamikaze fighter which is a suicide bomber that flies there airplane into targets like naval ships for example, and Adam is up against these fighters that are willing to die for their country, perhaps more than Adam. Stubborn like a mule is another phrase that would describe him because in the beginning, he needs his grandfather to sign the papers for him to join the Marines because he is only 17 and you need to be 18 to sign for yourself. He keeps bugging his grandfather until he does and keeps working with him until he takes him to Syracuse to get the papers. He is young in comparison to some of the Marines like the instructors but, the marines that he hangs out with are his age or are 18.

In Heroes Don’t Run, Adam is a marine that goes to Japan to fight in WWII. He lands on Okinawa. With the rest of his platoon. In this alien world, Adam fights with the friends that he made at boot camp against the Japs. He joins the Marines against his mothers will to continue a tradition from his grandfather and his father. His grandfather lost half his arm in the First World War I think it was and his dad died in the bombing of Pearl Harbor. When he gets home from Japan he is congratulated and thanked by the people he walks by on the street and other people.