Tuesday, December 13, 2011

War is Hell

War is Hell

Author’s note: This is a piece that describes the main conflicts in the book April Morning and how they are resolved.

Have you ever been to war? Many people would answer no. The majority of the public has seen war movies though. In these movies, they illustrate gruesome bloody battle scenes. Soldiers climbing over bodies of the enemy and their own comrades, limbs being blown of people and, pools of blood cover the ground. These are just a few examples portrayed in war movies. In the book April Morning by Howard Fast a scene like this occurs and becomes the main conflict in the story. In the story, the Brits start to invade the colonies, and the militia is born. When Adam and his father join they are put up against the British army, asking for peace. The result was a blood bath. Many people that Adam knows such as his friends and people that lived in his town, are killed in what I can’t even call a battle. The one death that Adam is most impacted by is that of his fathers. He was one of the first people to be killed on the common. To sum this all up; the main conflict is when Adam loses his father. Unfortunately for anyone that has lost someone they love, there is no way to bring the dead back therefore, the main conflict of the story does not get resolved. In April Morning there are a few minor conflicts. One conflict for example is when Adam is fighting the British army. Most of the time that he was fighting he was thinking about what would happen to the rest of his family if he had gotten wounded or worse. He thought that because his father already died that if he died that there would be no one to take care of his mother, Granny and, Levi. Obviously this was resolved because he came home without a scratch.

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