Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Essay 2

Stolen Day Austin Witthun

Although some people think that fishing is a pointless boring activity, fishing for many is a very pleasurable activity. Some may fish on hot days, raining days or, even ice fishing in a complete enveloping blizzard. People might even lie to get out of things to do something they enjoy. Maybe even to go fishing. From the story Stolen Day by Sherwood Anderson, you might learn that when you lie, there are always consequences.
Fishing is a sport enjoyed by a lot of people. Once I was canoeing in Rice Lake with my grandpa and we brought our fishing things. I casted when we were at the mouth of a river then waited about three minutes. Then as we started paddling into the shallow I started to reel in my line and there was something huge at the end of my line. After fifteen minutes of the reeling in my line and thinking that there was just weeds at the end. Then all of a sudden this giant fish jumped into then out of the boat and let go of my line. It’s times and even just the stories that make people want to fish even more. Even pictures of big giant fish do to. There is a great example in this story.
Of course with every fun thing to do there is someone who wants to do it. Sometimes it is just ever so tempting to tell a lie to do whatever it may be. You could lie to get out of work, school, or if they had something scheduled to do that they did not want to do. They could lie about being sick or having to go somewhere else. Like in the story the boy lies and says that he has inflammatory rheumatism to get out of school so he can go fishing like the other boy who actually has inflammatory rheumatism. Pretending that you have a disease to do things is illegal unless of course your only a child then you wouldn’t know better. But if you were an adult that’s just not mature to do and that would also be setting a bad example and it’s not good to start a habit of lying.
Fishing is a great sport that is great to do with family. My favorite part is to eat the fish I catch. There will always be consequences for every lie you tell. It might not come up right away, but it will come back eventually.

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