Thursday, November 4, 2010

Does Patriotism still Matter?

Patriotism is a love and devotion for your country. For those heroic people in the armed forces and the courageous veterans who have served in previous conflicts, it is a way of daily life. It is a way of life they choose to live, as people we look up to as heroes. Patriotism has, does and, always will matter.
We should be thankful that we have the rights we have in our country. In other countries the people there have not many rights all. Rights like freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and that women have as many rights as men. They can’t own items they want or need, do things they want to do,or even go places like other countries. Some countries still have more rights than others but I don’t think that is right to do. Sure in America we have some laws but they make sense. You shouldn't be able to steal something if it’s not yours or hurt other people and not be punished. It should be known that American laws don’t take away your human rights.

If patriotism didn’t exist our great country would be more like the Middle East. We wouldn’t be able to do things such as drive down the street without worrying about bombs, people who might hijack your car or riots. There would be a bunch of renegade groups trying to take power. There might even be a powerful dictator. There wouldn’t even be a country to fight over. Then there would be no rights at all. We would literally have to fight to survive,just like a soldier. Try to imagine what that would be like if that was everyday life,or if you were born thinking that was normal. For some of the Middle East countries that’s how life is and has been. If patriotism was as strong over there as it is here, we might not be stuck fighting this hopeless looking conflict.
Patriotism is extremely important,and it should be to everyone in every country. Even though a country may not treat its people correctly it is still important. It is almost vital to a countries survival. Our country should set an example to the rest of the world. Patriotism will be exceedingly important forever.

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