Monday, June 4, 2012

To Whom it may Concern

To Whom it May Concern

Authors Note: this is a creative piece that is a letter sent between two sides in a war. The story is inspired by the word: barrage.

Dear Sender of Artillery,

I must send my congratulations to you on the previous artillery strike on our troops. The barrage of fire near cut our numbers in half. And, how you planned the use of explosive, gas, incendiary then, explosive shells again was surely the key, making this strike much more effective than the many before it in this seemingly never-ending war. It was rather impressive how, the explosive shells met their mark with our vehicles and equipment, how the gas shells dropped our men like flies, and how the incendiary shells sent a fire storm that burned the buildings down as if they were matchboxes. You won’t feel left out of the fun for long, my enemy!


Receiver of Artillery